"We need to be living like what we do today will matter
100 years from now."



Annie's spiritual empowerment services are intended for people who want to learn how to unlock their own life-purpose and potential in an empowering way. The many spiritual and religious teachers that have influenced her life hold the philosophy that it is a disrespect and disservice to do the work for people if they have the capacity to do it for themselves.

Annie's services blend psychological, metaphysical, and spiritual techniques that help people access and unlock their own inner door with their own keys. It all starts with awareness. While she works mostly with clients who are seeking to elevate and expand their impact in the world, the techniques she uses are incredibly useful for empaths and others who are highly sensitive to emotions and energy.

About Annie

A little bit more about Annie... she studies the common space between science and spirituality, to include the original pre-religious messages of Jesus, and specializes in the impact of emotions on life and business.

She is walking her calling by helping others step into their calling.

It all came together and it all matters.  

Annie deployed to Kuwait with the 17th Sustainment Brigade, Army Nevada National Guard in 2016 and traveled to Iraq, Jordan and Qatar. It was during her deployment that she experienced a spiritual awakening. Something she was not expecting and during a very difficult time. It was really hard to experience heightened intuition and hearing voices. There was already a lot of drama just being on a deployment and the spiritual experience just added extra stress to the chaos. She couldn't trust anyone to share that information with, or rather, she didn't know WHO to trust. Even if she could, she wasn't really sure what was happening to be able to explain it to anyone. She could have used guidance through the awakening and so she became that for those that are now able to step on the bridge between the Earth plane and the multi-dimensional space of existence.

Speaker / Trainer


Speaker for Nevada Department of Veteran Services Women Veterans Conference, Conscious Connections, February 2020
VA Town Hall Wellness Fair, The Armor That Protects Us & The Unavoidable Streetfight (aka The Messy Middle), May 2019


Guest speaker for Nevada Women In Trades, Friendships: The Armor That Protects Us & The Unavoidable Streetfight (aka The Messy Middle),
January 2020 & Emotions are Energy, December 2019
Speaker for Nevada Department of Veteran Services Women Veteran Conference, Conscious Connections, February 2020

Chambers & Small
Business Groups

Presenter for Business Empowered, Impact of Emotions on Business and Life, May 2020


Highly Sensitive.
Addiction & Codependency

Energy overwhelm manifests in different ways for different people. Empaths are highly susceptible to addictions and codependency because of the energetic abilities of 'feeling' other people's feelings.

Holistic Health

Presenter for Achieving Your Optimal Health Webinar Series, Money as a Reflection of Our Emotions, May 2020;
Friendship: The Armor That Protects Us, November 2019; Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Step into Your True Inner Power, October 2019;
Leading Yourself on Your Personal Health Journey, August 2019


Online presenter for National Guard youth group, April 2020

and Training

  • Doctorate of Metaphysical Humanistic Sciences (Metaphysician)
  • State of Nevada Women Veteran Advisory Committeechairwoman
  • VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Veteran Family Advisory Council, appointed board member
  • Southern Nevada Veteran Community Engagement Board, executive member
  • Intuitive Business Consultant & Startup Angel Investor with AngelNV